MigrationOnce Aurora's unique meme token, now also shining on Near!

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Unparalleled in its design, $SHITZU sets itself apart as a meme token like no other. With a 24-hour free and fair mint using the innovative Proof of Finger consensus, a total supply of 576,167,000 tokens, and a fully verified contract, $SHITZU promises a unique and transparent experience. What's more, there are no trading taxes, no centralized dev team—just a 100% community-owned and driven initiative.
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Being born on April Fool's, $SHITZU keeps it foolishly simple: 576,167,000 tokens, period. All circulating, no lock-ups, no vesting.


In celebration of SHITZU 2nd birthdays, the SHITZU Revival Collection was fully minted within just 129 seconds, marking the fastest minting event on the NEAR protocol since 2022.

SHITZU Token Farm

SHITZU community forked tkn.farm and modernized its functionality. We give SHITZU Revival NFT Holder enjoy exclusive access to the token deployment functionality. The site also provides a list of all tkn.near and its liquidity pool on Ref Finance.

Shitzu Farm

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MemeSeason 2.0

Vote for SHITZU by staking xREF and/or donate SHITZU tokens to honor and support our xREF stakers. Users staking xRef in the SHITZU pool will receive these donations. The top 5 memes will advance to the next round of the meme competition which starts on the 4th of May. A total reward pool of 156K $REF and 10416 $NEAR is up the grabs.

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