We are the OG grassroots incubator of NEAR. The best hangout place in entire web3.


Being born on April Fool's, $SHITZU keeps it foolishly simple: 306,242,069 tokens, period. All circulating, no lock-ups, no vesting.


In celebration of SHITZU 2nd birthdays, the SHITZU Revival Collection was fully minted within just 129 seconds, marking the fastest minting event on the NEAR protocol since 2022.

SHITZU Token Farm

SHITZU community forked and modernized its functionality. We give SHITZU Revival NFT Holder enjoy exclusive access to the token deployment functionality. The site also provides a list of all tkn.near and its liquidity pool on Ref Finance.

Shitzu Farm

From the blog

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Shitstars walkthrough - earn your way to the top!

Shitstars and the Shitzu Revival NFT act as building blocks for a system that tracks user's on-chain reputation. Active community participation, staking, voting, farming and amplifying NEAR projects all play a key role in shaping your digital track record.


Shitzu liquidity providers

Maximize your earnings with the $Shitzu liquidity pool, offering over 61% farm rewards APR. And Learn how to efficiently engage with the $NEAR/$Shitzu pool on Ref finance and capitalize on this attractive opportunity to grow your assets.

Frequently asked questions